Schwedenstraße 16
13357 Berlin
+49.1783 56 70 77
About us
In particular, the aim is to allow artistic processes to enter into a dialogue with theoretical questions from an aesthetic, sociological or philosophical perspective. Since 1999, eight non-profit projects with publications on specific themes have been realised, the last three on the theme of places/unplaces, presence/absence and ethics/aesthetics. Currently, the ninth project is being developed on the theme of space and identity: "im-raum-stehen", which relates territorial, virtual and physical space to each other.
Event for the Koloniewedding
21.02. - 02.03.2025 Harry Walter
06.12.2024 -02.03.2025 Past events
30.06. - 09.07.2023 point de vue
09.07.201328.04. - 30.04.2023 touch
bis 30.04.202314.06. - 07.07.2024 Susanne Moll
14.06.2024 bis 07.07.201420.07. - 31.08.2024 Brigitte Wilhelm - Works in Plexiglas
20. Juli - 31. August 2024 - Eröffnung: Samstag | 20. Juli | 18 Uhr
Öffnungszeiten: Fr-Sa 15-18.30 Uhr u.n.V.
Zum Kolonie Wedding Wochenende:
Fr 26.07.2024 15-20 Uhr
Sa 27.07.2024 15-18.30 Uhr
So 28.07.2024 14-17 Uhr
Brigitte Wilhelm – Works in Plexiglas
Opening Saturday 20 July 6 pm
The artist Brigitte Wilhelm (*1939) will be present.
Music: Margarete Huber voice & Tomas Bächli piano
23.02. - 25.02.2024


19.10.2023 CLASH! Otamatone, Cello, Toypiano & Voice - Contemporary music & premieres
Donnerstag, 19. Oktober, 20 Uhr
CLASH! Otamatone, Cello, Toy Piano & Vocals
New music & world premieres
by and with Manuel Fischer-Dieskau (cello, otamatone), Fidan Aghayeva-Edler (toy piano), Margarete Huber (soprano)
Two toy instruments meet cello and voice
With music by John Cage, premieres by Fischer-Dieskau and Huber, trio improvisations, and early music (Händel, Bach)
This will be accompanied by projections by Ute Lindner & Patrick Huber
Thursday 19 October 8 pm – Free admission
Venue: COPYRIGHTberlin, Schwedenstraße 16, 13357 Berlin
The concert is Part 1 of Clash & Motion – Two concerts with New Music for unusual and ordinary instruments, voices and objects
(Part 2 on 28.10. MOTION: “Ensemble Cooperativa” plays New Music by Morton Feldman, Willem Schulz, Angelika Höger, and Margarete Huber for cello, violin, voice, piano, sewing machine, kinetic objects, electronics, and tape. // Ensemble Cooperativa: Edith Murasova, mezzo-soprano / Christina Gürtler, voice / Djamilija Keberlinskaja, piano / Willem Schulz, cello / Susanne Schulz, violin, kinetic objects / Peter Schwieger, synthesizer, sewing machine, objects / Katharina König, accordion, laptop. // Accompanied by a projection by Karen Stuke. Venue: Kronenboden, Schwedenstraße 16, 13357 Berlin)
28.10.2023 MOTION - Ensemble Cooperativa plays contemporary music by Morton Feldman, Willem Schulz, Angelika Höger, Margarete Huber
Samstag, 28. Oktober, 20 UhrMOTION:
Ensemble Cooperativa
plays Contemporary Music by Morton Feldman, Willem Schulz, Angelika Höger, and Margarete Huber
and improvisations open to the public
for cello, violin, voice, accordion, piano, sewing machine, kinetic objects, synthesizer, and tape
Ensemble Cooperativa:
Edith Murasova mezzo-soprano / Christina Gürtler voice / Djamilija Keberlinskaja piano / Willem Schulz cello / Susanne Schulz violin, kinetic objects / Peter Schwieger synthesizer, sewing machine, objects / Katharina König accordion, laptop.
This will be accompanied by a projection by Karen Stuke.
Saturday 28 October 8 pm – Free admission
Venue: Kronenboden, Schwedenstraße 16 13357 Berlin
The concert is part 2 of “Clash & Motion” – Two concerts with New Music for unusual and ordinary instruments, vocals and objects.
(Part 1 is on 19.10. “CLASH! Otamatone, Cello, Toy piano & Vocals”: New music & world premieres by and with Manuel Fischer-Dieskau (cello, Otamatone), Fidan Aghayeva-Edler (toy piano), Margarete Huber (soprano). Two toy instruments meet cello and voice. With music by John Cage, premieres by Fischer-Dieskau and Huber, trio improvisations, and early music (Händel, Bach). This will be accompanied by projections by Ute Lindner & Patrick Huber. Thursday 19 October 8 pm – Free admission. Venue: COPYRIGHTberlin, Schwedenstraße 16, 13357 Berlin)
24.11. - 02.12.2023 FLORILEGIUM
24.11. bis 2.12 2023
Fr - Sa 15 - 18.30 Uhr
So 26.11. 14 - 17 Uhr25.01. - 17.02.2024 a.m.
25.01.2024 bis 17.02.202427.09. - 27.10.2024 Bernhard Balkenhol zeichnen – woher und wohin
27.09.2024 - 27.10.201408.09. - 01.10.2023 MYOPIA_2
08.09.2023 - 01.10.2023The exhibition “Myopia_2” in Berlin brings together the works of artists from Poznan, Berlin and Paris. “Myopia”, means short-sightedness and refers to the limited perception that currently shapes our seeing and understanding of the world.
The exhibition presents a variety of artistic media including painting, drawing, objects, photography, video and installation.
“Myopia_2” refers to the exhibition of the same name at the UAP Gallery in Poznan in spring 2023. Here in Berlin, the artistic positions are spread across four project spaces in Wedding – COPYRIGHTberlin, uqbar and Kronenboden at Schwedenstr. 16 and art.endart at Drontheimer Str. 22.
Both exhibitions were curated by Rafał Górczynski, Poznan, and Patrick Huber, Berlin.
The German-Polish project was developed in cooperation with the UAP University of Art in Poznań and COPYRIGHTberlin, uqbar / ABA, Kronenboden and art.endart in Berlin.
11.11. - 02.12.2023
Vernissage 11.11.202023
18 Uhr
11.11.2023 bis 02.12.2023
Öffnungszeiten: Fr-Sa 15-18.30 Uhr u.n.V.
09.11. - 30.11.2024 Jo-Anne Velin The Irish Room / Femmes Sonores

The Irish Room / Femmes sonores is a playful sound art installation by Canadian-Québec artist Jo-Anne Velin
at the COPYRIGHT project space, in which old audio archives of spoken and sung women’s voices were used.
“My intention was, originally, just to find these rare archives of female voices wherever I could, pull them out of
the back catalogues of ethnographic and oral history collections and plunk them right into the middle of a live
sound experience now. And I wanted to collapse the decades that separate us from them. I wanted them to
count!” (Jo-Anne Velin)
The Irish Room / Femmes sonores began with the discovery online of an important archive of audible samples
of “the dying dialects of Ireland” recorded between 1928 and 1931 by German linguist Wilhelm Doegen and
his recording technician, Karl Tempel. That team had been hired by an Irish commission shortly after most of the
island became the Irish Free State, following decades of violent rebellion against English control. Native
speakers were dying out: deaths during the famine fifty years earlier, and migration to find work elsewhere, had
shrunk the population by about one third. Out of 137 speakers who left samples of the sound of their language
to posterity, only 20 were women.
Imagine the sound of the past without male voices in the archives – there would be almost nothing left! Women
were barely recorded at all, by comparison. What would happen if we built a space that created its sonic mass
soley from female, and female-identified voices?
Quebec artist Jo-Anne Velin had started working in radio in the Canadian Arctic in the 80ties, and eventually in
Europe as a field reporter, broadcast news producer, and independent creative documentary film director,
before starting her formal research into the early history of microphones (and their precursors) and women’s
spoken voices.
31.01. - 02.03.2025 Harry Walter
21.02. - 02.03.2025 Harry Walter

30.06. - 09.07.2023 point de vue

28.04. - 30.04.2023 touch

14.06. - 07.07.2024 Susanne Moll

20.07. - 31.08.2024 Brigitte Wilhelm - Works in Plexiglas

Öffnungszeiten: Fr-Sa 15-18.30 Uhr u.n.V.
Zum Kolonie Wedding Wochenende:
Fr 26.07.2024 15-20 Uhr
Sa 27.07.2024 15-18.30 Uhr
So 28.07.2024 14-17 Uhr
Brigitte Wilhelm – Works in Plexiglas
Opening Saturday 20 July 6 pm
The artist Brigitte Wilhelm (*1939) will be present.
Music: Margarete Huber voice & Tomas Bächli piano
23.02. - 25.02.2024


19.10.2023 CLASH! Otamatone, Cello, Toypiano & Voice - Contemporary music & premieres

CLASH! Otamatone, Cello, Toy Piano & Vocals
New music & world premieres
by and with Manuel Fischer-Dieskau (cello, otamatone), Fidan Aghayeva-Edler (toy piano), Margarete Huber (soprano)
Two toy instruments meet cello and voice
With music by John Cage, premieres by Fischer-Dieskau and Huber, trio improvisations, and early music (Händel, Bach)
This will be accompanied by projections by Ute Lindner & Patrick Huber
Thursday 19 October 8 pm – Free admission
Venue: COPYRIGHTberlin, Schwedenstraße 16, 13357 Berlin
The concert is Part 1 of Clash & Motion – Two concerts with New Music for unusual and ordinary instruments, voices and objects
(Part 2 on 28.10. MOTION: “Ensemble Cooperativa” plays New Music by Morton Feldman, Willem Schulz, Angelika Höger, and Margarete Huber for cello, violin, voice, piano, sewing machine, kinetic objects, electronics, and tape. // Ensemble Cooperativa: Edith Murasova, mezzo-soprano / Christina Gürtler, voice / Djamilija Keberlinskaja, piano / Willem Schulz, cello / Susanne Schulz, violin, kinetic objects / Peter Schwieger, synthesizer, sewing machine, objects / Katharina König, accordion, laptop. // Accompanied by a projection by Karen Stuke. Venue: Kronenboden, Schwedenstraße 16, 13357 Berlin)
28.10.2023 MOTION - Ensemble Cooperativa plays contemporary music by Morton Feldman, Willem Schulz, Angelika Höger, Margarete Huber

Ensemble Cooperativa
plays Contemporary Music by Morton Feldman, Willem Schulz, Angelika Höger, and Margarete Huber
and improvisations open to the public
for cello, violin, voice, accordion, piano, sewing machine, kinetic objects, synthesizer, and tape
Ensemble Cooperativa:
Edith Murasova mezzo-soprano / Christina Gürtler voice / Djamilija Keberlinskaja piano / Willem Schulz cello / Susanne Schulz violin, kinetic objects / Peter Schwieger synthesizer, sewing machine, objects / Katharina König accordion, laptop.
This will be accompanied by a projection by Karen Stuke.
Saturday 28 October 8 pm – Free admission
Venue: Kronenboden, Schwedenstraße 16 13357 Berlin
The concert is part 2 of “Clash & Motion” – Two concerts with New Music for unusual and ordinary instruments, vocals and objects.
(Part 1 is on 19.10. “CLASH! Otamatone, Cello, Toy piano & Vocals”: New music & world premieres by and with Manuel Fischer-Dieskau (cello, Otamatone), Fidan Aghayeva-Edler (toy piano), Margarete Huber (soprano). Two toy instruments meet cello and voice. With music by John Cage, premieres by Fischer-Dieskau and Huber, trio improvisations, and early music (Händel, Bach). This will be accompanied by projections by Ute Lindner & Patrick Huber. Thursday 19 October 8 pm – Free admission. Venue: COPYRIGHTberlin, Schwedenstraße 16, 13357 Berlin)
24.11. - 02.12.2023 FLORILEGIUM

Fr - Sa 15 - 18.30 Uhr
So 26.11. 14 - 17 Uhr
25.01. - 17.02.2024 a.m.

27.09. - 27.10.2024 Bernhard Balkenhol zeichnen – woher und wohin

08.09. - 01.10.2023 MYOPIA_2

11.11. - 02.12.2023

18 Uhr
11.11.2023 bis 02.12.2023
Öffnungszeiten: Fr-Sa 15-18.30 Uhr u.n.V.
09.11. - 30.11.2024 Jo-Anne Velin The Irish Room / Femmes Sonores

The Irish Room / Femmes sonores is a playful sound art installation by Canadian-Québec artist Jo-Anne Velin
at the COPYRIGHT project space, in which old audio archives of spoken and sung women’s voices were used.
“My intention was, originally, just to find these rare archives of female voices wherever I could, pull them out of
the back catalogues of ethnographic and oral history collections and plunk them right into the middle of a live
sound experience now. And I wanted to collapse the decades that separate us from them. I wanted them to
count!” (Jo-Anne Velin)
The Irish Room / Femmes sonores began with the discovery online of an important archive of audible samples
of “the dying dialects of Ireland” recorded between 1928 and 1931 by German linguist Wilhelm Doegen and
his recording technician, Karl Tempel. That team had been hired by an Irish commission shortly after most of the
island became the Irish Free State, following decades of violent rebellion against English control. Native
speakers were dying out: deaths during the famine fifty years earlier, and migration to find work elsewhere, had
shrunk the population by about one third. Out of 137 speakers who left samples of the sound of their language
to posterity, only 20 were women.
Imagine the sound of the past without male voices in the archives – there would be almost nothing left! Women
were barely recorded at all, by comparison. What would happen if we built a space that created its sonic mass
soley from female, and female-identified voices?
Quebec artist Jo-Anne Velin had started working in radio in the Canadian Arctic in the 80ties, and eventually in
Europe as a field reporter, broadcast news producer, and independent creative documentary film director,
before starting her formal research into the early history of microphones (and their precursors) and women’s
spoken voices.
31.01. - 02.03.2025 Harry Walter